ESPECIALLY all the “fans” who have been booing him, saying he’s a drag on the team.And Trever Miller was sent in to face and NO, I am not kidding rightys.Maybe Phil IS getting ready to leave the LOOGY only stuff for when he really DOES need a LOOGY or when he really DOES need a platoon, which is NOT every single time no replica Chopard 278951-3001 watch exceptions.He was a little shaky, giving up a walk on 4 straight pitches and a single, but he got his 3 outs without giving up any runs.And now, the rest of the story…Lance must been feeling pretty bad about costing Chris Burke his job, and possibly his career, because he seemed to have taken it upon his “leader” self to change his hitting, fielding and running ways.
Heck, just about ANYONE (except Kevin Brown WHY is he still starting) is bettern Duck.We're leaving too many MOB again 9 H, 3 BB, 4 R and 9 LOB.Wasted scoring opportunities in almost EVERY inning.It's not that Kip Wells was replica Rado R205911 Men's watch unhittable or anything…- In the first, Lane, then Ensberg then Everett left guys at second and third with NO outs.- In the second, Biggio popped out with Taveras on second.- In the third, Everett GO with Ensberg at first.- In the fourth, Bagwell GO with Biggio and Taveras on first and second.- In the fifth, Everett FO with Ensberg on first.- In the sixth, Bagwell FO with Biggio on first.-
In the 9th, Bagwell FO and Lamb GIDP with Biggio and Taveras in first and second.Willy Taveras had a GREAT game 3 fer 3 with 2 BB with 2 SB and Kip Wells made 2 throwing errors trying to get him out one lead to an unearned run.Jason Lane has a great arm and glove, but he can NOT seem to hit with anyone on base.Speaking of on replica Rado R20381142 watch base, Morgan Ensberg has the highest team OBP at .396 he also has the team high in K 22 and the highest P PA at 4.22 (actually Luke Scott was the highest at 4.45)Tonight is the last night of the home stand before we go back on the road for a week.